Jan Denman Fitness Training - jan.denman@hotmail.com - (206) 498-9849
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Our commitment and collaboration

Arm exercises
Want better health and quality of life? Improved function and sports performance? More energy and less stress? Greater strength, endurance and flexibility? Better balance and coordination? A lean, toned body that will do the things you want it to do? Or maybe you just want to see what you're capable of accomplishing.

It's all possible!

Are you ready? Let's start!

Dumb bells
I will provide the necessary tools to progressively challenge you to accomplish the end results you are looking for. I believe it is important to change and evolve your workout routines to ensure progression and to alleviate boredom. I commit to providing you with efficient and appropriate workouts based on your fitness level and goals.

Collaboration is important in each training relationship. It is up to both trainer and client to make it happen.

What I look for in a client is commitment. Commitment to working together, as well as on your own, towards achieving the goals that you have chosen for YOU!

Are you ready to make some changes in your life?

Are you willing to give 100% during each training session?

Read more about getting the results you want on my Home page

Testimonial from Richard, Age 63
Here is why I invite Jan Denman into my home as a Personal Trainer:

I could work out by myself -- but I know (from experience) that I won't!

I greatly benefit from her patient instruction, her watchful evaluation of my form when I do the exercises -- and her suggestion of alternate ways to work a given muscle group when I struggle with one way.

I am motivated by her genuine praise of my efforts - and her genuine laughter at my feeble excuses for my inactions. (I am also motivated by my steadily increasing flexibility, strength and energy!)


Start your new you today! To set up an appointment or to learn more, just call (206) 498-9849 or email jan.denman@hotmail.com